Vegan Recipes – get to know me a bit better

Nice to meet you 🙂

Glimpsing out my kitchen window midday,

Cringing with the sun in my eyes – I reflect on my biggest life-changing event. One that had happened approximately 4 years ago, with me starting to slowly go Vegan.
Now I know, that whilst many of you nurtured a Vegan Lifestyle quite early on, for me – personally, it was everything but a walk in the park. Clearly, I am grateful for every ounce of my soul having turned Vegan, however, I think it is tremendously important to give you all just a tiny peek into my life prior to that meaningful, life-changing event.


My ethnic origin is Moroccan

I’m a Sephardi Jew whose family immigrated to Israel from quite a colorful spot in North Africa. A region so lights up with vivid textures and colors when it comes to food – hence, without a doubt, a piece of land that’s been affected by the everlasting culture of richness in all its glory for many decades, one that also happens to include Red Meat and Sea Food admiration.


Vegan Recipes Cacao-Shamaness Pomme Ana at Le Calabash
Cooking at "Le Calabash" cooking school at the Loire Valley France, Culinary internship.

My mom is a great Cook,

As well are my aunties and uncles – most of whom are anything but Vegetarian or Vegan. I’ve spent years as a carnivore before going 100% Vegan.
Having said that, I’m sure you can all imagine what it must have been like being brought up in such an environment, one that suggested almost every corner in the freezer was to be dedicated to the preservation of meat chunks.

About a year into my Vegan Life,

A question mark had popped up in my head, leaving me contemplating:
“What was I to do with my one biggest passion in life?”

As many of you might guess by this point, it was Cooking and Baking that my mind was referring to. I then decided I was to do everything in my power, to obtain the right tools, methods, and proper education which would eventually make it possible for me to create Vegan dishes and desserts at a level of a Vegan Dessert Chef.

About a year and a half into my being 100% Vegan, I’d made my way across the globe to start learning just about everything there is about Vegan Recipes. Especially in the US, in the past few years which is abundant with vegan products and restaurants of all kinds.

When Talking about Vegan recipes,

I’d have to admit that amongst all of my many crave,
I just love Vegan Desserts! It’s true, I cook, I coagulate Milk substitutes, and have those sit undisturbed until Vegan Cheeses form.  As much as I’m a sweet-tooth, I do love combining my Middle Eastern Influences when it comes to some Vegan recipes!
Doesn’t matter if it is a puff Pastry I’m working on – one that would later be filled with sauteed vegetables, or minced “meat”
or if it’s a Vegan recipe for a marvelous Vegan Cheesecake, I just know lots of my friends are going to come knocking on my door for some take-outs…This is what they’re like and I am grateful for that.

Essentially, I love making food for people, knowing that they enjoy my food and savor happy moments.

At the very same time, knowing I’m at the right place.


Vegan Recipes have become a current goal in my life. I spend most of my days (and some night I must add) in the kitchen – testing new things, baking new pies, cakes, and other Vegan Recipes, and in the midst of all that I simply feel thankful. Thankful for doing something I enjoy and believe in. 

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